What's Happened? What's Happening? 08/10/2015
The madness of back to school led to a wee break for #WHWH but we're back this week to showcase all of your events posts once again. We really want to push this linky as it's your posts which make it successful and we're really hoping to be busy pinning, sharing and commenting on all of your posts from now on.Our favourite posts from What's Happened last time around couldn't be more different. I love reading about people's travels as a family, the more exotic the better and the lovely Five Adventurers' post about their stay at a very exotic hotel in Malaysia - The Best Family Hotel in Chiang Mai - was a fascinating read. The amazing villa they stayed in, complete with their own pool, looked simply perfect for a family holiday. The hotel and it's extensive grounds and activities really seem to set it apart from the run of the mill. I really admire the way Nisbah travels the globe with her gorgeous family and her writing is great Head on over to take a look at her blog if you haven't visited before.
Photo Credit: Five Adventurers
The second post from last time that we loved was ET Speaks From Home's take on their traditional British seaside holiday to Southbourne Beach in Dorset. I know Eileen well and can't quite imagine her on a caravan holiday but it looks like they had a lovely time. Dorset is such a beautiful county and the kids had lots of fun in the sea and pool on their caravan site. I love the photo of the seafood platter dinner they ate, I could just eat that myself!
Photo Credit: ET Speaks from Home
What's Happening saw two giveaways linked up. One has now closed but you can still enter Jen's giveaway to win an amazing Great Yarmouth break in 2016. It just might be the perfect UK holiday so make sure you enter!
What have you been up to? What are you planning?
We'd love you to link up your blog posts to What's Happened? - featuring events, days out, holidays, film, theatre and restaurant reviews and any other 'happeneds'. What's Happening? is the place for you to link your event previews, ongoing events and ticket giveaways.
We read and comment on every one and share on Twitter, Facebook. Google+, Pinterest and StumbleUpon.
We've created a brand new #WHWH Facebook Page is where we'll be sharing all of your posts from now on so please head over and give it a 'like'.
There is also a Pinterest board where we pin all of your posts, feel free to follow it.
Follow What's Happened? What's Happening? on Pinterest.
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