Mix Tape Monday #8 The Christmas Edition
Boo and Me is asking, as part of her fab meme Mix Tape Monday, for our favourite Christmas song. Now, you may remember that I posted my Top 5 Listography of more alternative Christmas songs the other week but I managed to forget a very special, and more traditional Christmas song and I thought I would share that one with you today.This song was Christmas Number One when my Mum was pregnant with me and I know it is a very special song for her. Over the years we've heard it often and she talks about how she felt when she was pregnant with me and heard the song. She was only 17 at the time (just 18 when I arrived) and newly married so I can't imagine how she felt. This song has become really special to me and I can't hear it without thinking of my lovely Mum.
Please share your favourite Christmas song by heading over to Boo and Me's link up today.