A Dinosaur Stocking for Bud

Bud loves dinosaurs. Loves them. For the past two or three years they've been an ever present here, whether on his mind, in conversation, in books or the toy box. Dinosaurs are everywhere!

Bud loves Dinosaurs

When Hawkin's Bazaar recently asked me if I'd like to choose a few stocking fillers from their range I knew that a dinosaur themed stocking for Bud would be the perfect idea.

First up you need a stocking so I had to look elsewhere. I found this amazing example at the Natural History Museum shop, you can even personalise it with your choice of name! Who wouldn't want a Stegosaurus themed stocking to leave out for the big guy on Christmas Eve?

Everything else in the stocking can be bought from Hawkins Bazaar and they even have some terrific special offers on their small gifts to make stocking stuffing easier.

Buds Dinosaur Stocking

If dinosaurs aren't your thing, don't be put off. You can find every type of stocking filler at Hawkins Bazaar. I already have my eye on some princess bits and pieces for LM's stocking. I also like choosing a few joke items for the 'big kids' at Christmas.

Have you started your Christmas shopping? Do you theme stockings?

Christmas 2015 with Red Rose Mummy

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