How Much Do You Spend on Children's Birthday Parties?

Since Bud started in Reception last year a whole new world of children's birthday parties has opened up. He was lucky enough to receive a few invitations to other parties and we invited his whole class to his Dinosaur themed fifth birthday party. In the end we had around twenty children at the party and it was a lovely afternoon.

How Much Do You Spend on Children's Birthday Parties?

I'd say we spent around £100 on the party. We kept costs down by using my partner's scout hut free of charge and hired a bouncy castle to keep the children entertained. This cost us £60 but it was so worth it as whenever the kids were eliminated from a game they were happy to go back to bouncing straight away instead of complaining about not winning! We kept our eyes open for dinosaur themed items for party bags, decorations and game prizes for a good while before the party and used shops like Home Bargains to get a good deal on prices.

The party went really successfully and it was a pleasure to see all of the children enjoying themselves. Bud already has three party invitations for the next month or so pinned to the fridge so I think we might need to start planning this year's party soon!

Sun Life Direct have put together an infographic which shows the average spend on children's parties across the UK. It looks like we were just above average for Bud's party in our area, the North-West. Unsuprisingly London was the biggest spending area, with East Anglia spending the lowest. Does this reflect your usual spend?

How Much Do You Spend on Children's Birthday Parties?

What are your tips for keeping party costs lower?

In collaboration with Sun Life Direct