Potty Training Help from Thomas & Friends - Review and Giveaway

Regular readers will know that LM and I are on our potty training journey but everyone needs a little extra help sometiems so we've been looking at two potty training books from Egmont UK, featuring that favourite little blue engine, Thomas.

Potty Training Help from Thomas & Friends - Review and Giveaway

The brand new range of Thomas & Friends Potty Training Books features two separate titles - Thoma & Friends My Thomas Potty Book and Thomas & Friends Well Done Thomas Activity Book.  The first book talks your child through every stage of potty training, exploring everything you will need to start potty training, whether using a potty or going straight to the toilet. I loved that it included toilet seats and steps as well as traditional potties as LM is a potty refusenik and we've gone straight to the toilet when training her so she recognised the familiar step and seat straight away. Of course it also covers choosing 'big boy and girl pants' too. The book contain a reward chart and stickers which really helps to motivate a toddler, LM loves collecting a sticker every time she sits on the toilet.

Potty Training Help from Thomas & Friends - Review and Giveaway

The Thomas & Friends Well Done Thomas Activity Book isn't specific to toilet training and can be used to reward any particular area of behaviour which you might want to focus on, I can imagine it would be great for helping children to stay in bed at night, for example. It's packed with stickers, rewarrd charts and certificates and centred on telling your child that they have done great, well done.

Potty Training Help from Thomas & Friends - Review and Giveaway

Potty training can be daunting but it's a really exciting time for growing up toddlers. It's a really excellent idea to have books like this in your potty training kit and to have a really familiar character like Thomas to help your child set off in to the unknown of potty training.

Potty Training Help from Thomas & Friends - Review and Giveaway

The books are really lovely and LM and I have loved looking at them and giving out the stickers (every one gets one in our house) as she's started training properly over the past week or so. I'd love to see more books in the range featuring a wider range of characters. LM loves Thomas as her big brother is a huge fan but incorporating a few different characters in to the range would mean that they would be interesting to the vast majority of toddlers.

Potty Training Help from Thomas & Friends - Review and Giveaway

I've teamed up with Egmont UK to offer a set of both books to one of my lucky readers. To enter please complete the Gleam widget below. The blog post comment is compulsory and will unlock a range of additional entries. Please read the terms and conditions.

Thomas & Friends Potty Training Books

Books received for review purposes.