Cicciobello Rumbly Tummy Doll

LM loves her dollies and she can often be found pretending to feed them, pushing them in her pram or generally playing with them. This has intensified since the birth of Little E and she loves copying me by caring for her dolly in the same way as I look after her brother, When the opportunity came up to review the  new Cicciobello Rumbly Tummy Doll I knew she would be delighted by it.

Cicciobello Rumbly Tummy Doll Blog Review

The boy doll (very definitely a boy) arrives with a range of equipment, a potty, juice box, dummy and two cloths (one for his face and one for his bottom). He requires 3 AA batteries which are fitted into his back by unscrewing a panel. Once you have done this you simply select EN as your language and switch on the doll using the two switches on his back. He's then ready to go.

Cicciobello Rumbly Tummy Doll Blog Review

He's an interactive doll who talks to his 'mama' (so not so great for boys sadly), He will tell the child what he wants and he asks for a hug, a drink, food, to go on the potty and to have his sore tummy rubbed. When he needs cleaning a yellow light will shine around his mouth or on his bottom and you will need to use the cloth to rub the area until the light goes out and he is clean.

Cicciobello Rumbly Tummy Doll Blog Review

When his tummy is sore a red light shines and your child has to rub it until it goes away. He has a full head of hair which is well rooted (great for when he inevitably gets carried around by it) and a t-shirt and nappy which LM loves to take off and put on again. If you lie him down his eyes close as if he's asleep.

Cicciobello Rumbly Tummy Doll Blog Review

LM is absolutely delighted with this doll. He's a really good size and the interactive element really keeps her entertained. He's quite a demanding little fellow and will cycle through his different needs and his forty different phrases at a fair speed. If you need a break from his demands you can pop his dummy in and he will stop talking.

Cicciobello Rumbly Tummy Doll Blog Review

It's an expensive doll at around £50 but it's beautifully made and a fun, interactive experience in baby care for a little girl. LM loves it.

Cicciobello Rumbly Tummy is available from all usual stockists including Smyths Toys.

We were sent the doll for review purposes.