Wild Pets Spider - Creepster

Everyone loves spiders, right? Seriously though, my son loves them. He'll search for hours to find them in the garden or in the house and then sit watching them go about their business. Thankfully our local spiders don't seem to mind the scrutiny! We recently received his very own Wild Pets Spider, Creepter, to put through it's paces and frighten Grandma with,

Wild Pets Spider - Creepster

The Wild Pets Spider is a large toy spider, about the size of the palm of a man's hand. He responds to touch so you can stroke him and see him react. Press his back to cycle through his three different modes and see what happens. When his eyes are blue he's in creep mode which sees him creep around a small area. Press his back again to activate his green eyes where he will explore a wider area. Another press and Creepster will go into Attack Mode (with red eyes) and dart at who or what is nearest to him.

Wild Pets Spider - Creepster Blog Review

He moves in quite a realistic way I think, especially when in attack mode. If you have loved ones who are scared of spiders you might need to play with Creepster when they aren't around as the sight of a giant toy spider scuttling across the floor towards them might not be good for them.

Wild Pets Spider - Creepster Blog Review

Bud loves Creepster, he has played with him often since he arrived Thankfully we're an arachnophobe-free house so he hasn't been able to terrorise anyone too badly with him but he's definitely made a new friend.

There are four Wild Pets Spiders to collect - Creepster, Eyegore, Chiller and Wolfgang - they are available from all usual stockists priced at £12:99. There's also a Wild Pets Spider habitat playset available for if you'd like to give your spider a home.