What's Happened? What's Happening? 27/08/15 #WHWH
With the Summer holidays drawing to a close our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram timelines have been jammed with bloggers and their families getting out and about together both in the UK and abroad. It was great to see so many of you link up again last time and we're looking forward to seeing your further adventures this week.There were so many lovely posts last time and we've chosen a holiday theme for this round up. Both The Brunette Says and Mummys Little Stars chose to holiday in the UK this Summer and their posts were a great recommendation for staying at home.
Mummy's Little Stars holidayed at Perran Sands in Cornwall with Haven. Jen, my co-host is a big fan of this site and highly rates it so it's good to see another blogger who's opinion I value feels the same way. The week on the beach and being entertained around the site looked wonderful for the whole family.
Photo Credit: Mummy's Little Stars
Our second UK Summer holiday feature was shared by Lianne at The Brunette Says, with eleven years between her children it's important that their holiday destination really keeps the whole family entertained, They chose Butlins in Skegness this year and the lovely photos show that a great time was had by all.
Photo Credit: The Brunette Says
What's Happening saw a few lists of ideas for things to do, pleasingly (for us anyway) they all had a Northern England bias and there are some top tips for getting out and about in there. We loved Helpful Mum's '16 Things to Do in North Yorkshire this Summer', with everything from ice cream to soft play and castles to butterflies covered, Sian gives a great local's view of her particular part of the world. We've visited a fair few of them already but there are some intriguing ideas that we weren't familiar with and they are suitable for a range of budgets too.
Photo Credit: Helpful Mum
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