Join in With #RavensburgerPuzzles Twitter Party Fun!

We're huge jigsaw fans in our house and we all enjoy completing puzzles. Some of our favourites are from Ravensburger so, when we were invited to host our own Puzzle Party recently we jumped at the chance! We've received a huge box of puzzles, games and activities to enjoy.

Join in With #RavensburgerPuzzles Twitter Party Fun!

You can join in the fun too. Simply head over to Twitter and follow me (@RedRoseMummy), @RavensburgerPC and @UKMumsTV and follow #RavensburgerPuzzles for the chance to win puzzle prizes!

We're really looking forward to taking on the puzzle challenges. LM loves the Farmyard Fun puzzle while Bud loves Alphablocks and wants to complete that puzzle first. I think that the 3D Minion puzzle looks amazing and, as I'll be the only 7+ person at the party I think it's only fair that I get the chance to do that one.

Join in With #RavensburgerPuzzles Twitter Party Fun!

Mae sure you have your smartphone, tablet or laptop handy and join in the fun on Twitter, Tomorrow. Tuesday 18th August, 2-4pm. See you there!