Casdon Happy Helpers - Ironing Set

LM has hit the age where role play toys really appeal and she has started to spend a lot of her time in pretend play. This can take various forms - caring for her dollies, playing with her kitchen or even pretending to put make up on. She recently received the Casdon Happy Helpers Ironing Set and I was interested to see what she would make of another opportunity to pretend to be like the grown ups.

Casdon Happy Helpers - Ironing Set

The Ironing Set includes an ironing board, with funky bright polka dot cover, a toy Morphy Richards iron, a clothes horse and four coat hangers. As soon as LM saw the box she was very excited and wouldn't leave me alone while I constructed it for her. The ironing board took a little while to construct as the legs were a little complicated for me. The instructions were good, I just struggle with this sort of thing but once I realised that the legs lie flat against the board in opposite directions for folding I was able to build it easily. The clothes horse just clips together and then the set is ready to be played with.

Casdon Happy Helpers - Ironing Set Blog Review

We quickly found a few things for LM to iron and she got to work. She was quite funny to watch as she carefully ironed each piece and placed it on the clothes horse. She was quick to say that she was ironing 'like Grandad' who was very pleased to find out that he was her ironing role model! I'm planning to get her doll's clothes and a washing bowl out so she can do the full range of laundry for them. I know she would love that.

Casdon Happy Helpers - Ironing Set Blog Review

This is a good quality toy and one that LM is enjoying very much. The bright purple and spotty colour scheme is refreshing as so many of these toys are pink. Bud has also been playing with the ironing set and I know, sadly, he wouldn't have been keen if it had been pink. This is the perfect toy for any child who loves pretend play and would also be a great addition to a home corner in a nursery or school. We would definitely recommend it.

The Casdon Happy Helpers Ironing Set is available from all usual stockists with an RRP of £20.