Little E is One Month Old

Last week Little E turned one month old. In some ways that's an impossibly short period of time but in other ways it feels like he's always been here and none of us can really remember what it was like without three little people ruling the roost in our house!

#RedRoseBaby is four weeks old today. I'd really like time to slow down please? #babyspam #babiesofinstagram #4weeksold

A photo posted by Pippa Ainsworth (@redrosemummy) on

We're gradually getting into the swing of life as five. We're back on the school run, albeit with a little help from Grandma and Grandad in the mornings and Little E has met almost all of the important people in our lives now. He's been showered with gifts and I've been astonished really. So many people warned me that third babies really don't get much of a fanfare but I've found completely the opposite, possibly because of the new friends I've made since the arrival of LM. but he's been welcomed by so many people.

Someone is wide awake today. Four hours so far! #redrosebaby #Babyspam #babiesofinstagram #4weeksold

A photo posted by Pippa Ainsworth (@redrosemummy) on

Since my last Little E update we have attended Britmums Live together. I had a lovely weekend with some of my best blogging friends and Little E was a superstar. Everyone was so delighted with him and it was a real pleasure to introduce him to some really important ladies to me and for them to spend time with him while he's still tiny. He really couldn't have been better behaved and I've never been so pleased that my baby was asleep than when I supported Jenny as she read her post during the Bloggers Keynote.

Like the rest of the country we've been baking in the heatwave this week. Like so many other mums of newborns I've been concerned about keeping Little E cool and he's been wearing a simple vest and nappy. Sadly he had to attend his first funeral this week as we went to support our friend in the loss of his Father but, again, my beautiful boy behaved perfectly, sleeping throughout the service on the hottest day of the year.

Little E is staying cool in @rubiandboris today. Review coming soon. #redrosebaby #babyspam #babiesofinstagram

A photo posted by Pippa Ainsworth (@redrosemummy) on

Feeding is now going well. We were discharged by the midwife when he was 23 days old after he had stormed past the magic milestone of his birth weight and leapt up to 4.66kgs. This was an increase of 300g in the ten day gap between weigh ins. We haven't been to weighing since but I know his weight is increasing nicely. He's a milk monster. At the moment we're in the middle of a growth spurt and he's feeding all evening. I'm trying to sit and enjoy it and give him the time he needs but it's easy to be conscious of what you're not doing, especially with three children to look after.

We're seeing some smiles but he seems to be saving them all for his cousin, especially the biggest.. This is quite a turn up for the books as both Bud and LM have been terrified of him (he's very tall and dark haired), Little E seems to be his biggest fan though! I'm hoping to be on the receiving end of a proper smile soon.

Time is passing so quickly, I'm trying to hold on to every second of these baby days and looking forward to sharing his next update with you soon.