The Perfect Bacon Sandwich for Father's Day

Is there any better breakfast for a Dad than a chunky bacon sandwich with their choice of sauce and accompaniment? Roberts Bakery don't think so and, as a result they have created their own guide to the Perfect Bacon Sandwich on their Facebook page to celebrate all things Dad this Father's Day.

Robert's Bakery sent out a bacon sandwich kit for me to make Ian his perfect bacon sandwich this week. He has fairly simple tastes so the sandwich saw me take Robert's Bakery Thick White Soft and Fluffy bread, a few slices of best smoked bacon (seriously, what is the point of unsmoked bacon?), salted butter and some brown sauce to create the ideal bacon butty for Ian.

The Perfect Bacon Sandwich for Father's Day Roberts Bakery bread

Using the Roberts Bakery tray that we were sent we assembled a lovely Breakfast in Bed tray for him, including a mug of coffee featuring Bud and LM's cheeky grins (a perfect Father's Day gift), a glass of orange juice, the bacon sarnie and some strawberries. The final finishing touch was a handmade card from LM. I think this would be the perfect Father's Day breakfast for Ian and Bud and LM will be serving it to him on Father's Day this year.

The quality of the bread and the bacon are key to a top notch bacon sandwich and Roberts Thick White Soft and Fluffy was simply perfect. Chunky soft bread which didn't fall apart as the butter melted and the sauce absorbed, and very tasty too.

The Perfect Bacon Sandwich for Father's Day Roberts Bakery bread

If you're passionate about a bacon sandwich check out the Roberts Bakery Facebook Page and their guide to the perfect one. Why not like their page while you are there,to keep up with their news.

What will you be serving for breakfast this Father's Day?

Disclosure: We were sent a Father's Day breakfast kit to make the bacon sandwich.