A Poem for Little E

Today's guest post is from another lovely blogger who I met through the North West Bloggers community that I co-run. Lorraine blogs over at The UnCheshire Wife where she writes about life with her teenage son, often making use of poetry to communicate her point. She has sent over a lovely poem to celebrate Little E's arrival and it really made me smile when I read it for the first time. She's really captured his personality and our feelings around his arrival.

Lying in the basket, that tiny little form

Glancing down on his sweet face, fills my heart with warmth

A new member to our family, staring with a nosey frown

Our new baby’s arrival, has turned life upside down

He’s a serious little bundle, and for us another boy

This welcomed little playmate, filled two siblings full of joy

We’re all so pleased E’s with us, he’s captured our love so deep

But this little cute inquisitive soul, needs to learn to have a sleep!

Little E fast asleep Newborn baby

Thanks to Lorraine for her lovely poem. Do head over to The UnCheshire Wife to read more of her writing.