New Baby Lotto from Orchard Toys

We're huge fans of the wide range of puzzles from Orchard Toys and Bud and, now LM, play with our collection on a daily basis. With Red Rose Baby due to arrive next month I've been looking for ways to prepare the children for having a new little one around so when we were offered the chance to review Orchard Toys' New Baby Lotto it couldn't have come at a better time.

New Baby Lotto from Orchard Toys

New Baby Lotto is part of Orchard Toys' range of 'Very First Games'aimed at the youngest children, from around age two upwards. It's a simple matching game, suitable for four players. Each player receives a game board and the game board pieces are spread out face down on the playing surface. Players then take it in turns to pick up a piece and check if it matches any of the images on their board. You then place any matching piece over the square on your board, if it doesn't match you show it to the rest of the players then return it to the playing surface.

New Baby Lotto from Orchard Toys Blog Review

The game boards are really bright and colourful and each depicts a scene of life with a new baby. Bud and LM were keen to talk about what the babies were doing as they chose their boards. Each game piece shows an item of new baby equipment and Bud, especially, enjoyed naming the item and talking about if we would have one for the new baby, and how we would use it. It was a really good way for them both to learn about the more practical side of having a new baby.

New Baby Lotto from Orchard Toys Blog Review

To win the game a player has to match all of their six baby equipment pieces and then the bigger baby piece, which matches the baby in the picture at the top of the board.

New Baby Lotto from Orchard Toys Blog Review

Both LM and Bud really enjoyed playing, although LM needed a little help with turn taking. She is just starting to play games like this and loved the chance to try out a new one. Bud really enjoyed the game. I was slightly worried he would find it too simple but the added element of being able to discuss the new baby made it really interesting to him and he wanted to play again straight away after winning the first game.

New Baby Lotto from Orchard Toys Blog Review

New Baby Lotto is a great addition to the Orchard Toys range and I'd recommend it for any two to five years olds who are expecting a new addition to the family, whether a sibling or cousin. It's pitched at a young level but really interesting for those who want to learn about caring for a newborn. It's priced at £9:50 so an inexpensive way to help older children prepare, just don't sit on the floor to play a couple of games when you are due in five weeks, my hips are still protesting!

Disclosure: We received the game for review purposes.