Kids Don't Come With a Manual - Review and Giveaway

With the imminent arrival of Red Rose Baby I've been wondering about the impact a third child will have upon Bud and LM. Bud is super excited about his new sibling (a brother that we will call Sam, apparently) while LM is a little more reticent and very clingy at the moment. I'm a bit worried about how she will deal with our new arrival.

Kids Don't Come With a Manual - Review and Giveaway

We've recently been sent a parenting book which I thought might help with any negative behaviour triggered by the arrival of Red Rose Baby - Kids Don't Come With a Manual - The Essential Guide to a Happy Family Life by Carole and Nadim Saad. My children are pretty well behaved as a rule but I knew I was hoping to find some helpful suggestions in the pages. The morning routine is a difficult time for us, and this will get even harder with a new baby to consider too, so I was hoping for some tips to motivate Bud to move a little quicker and stop the endless 'where are your shoes? Put on your shoes!' shouts.

The Saads both have a wealth of experience in working with children and bringing up their own family. They found that their parenting styles clashed quite a bit in their early family life and decided to work together, using a vast collection of parenting literature, to come up with a style of parenting which worked for both of them.

The book is divided into different tools for coping with a wide range of parenting challenges. It's designed to be dipped in to whenever you feel like you need a new strategy. I've been reading the tools in the chapters called 'How to listen so children will want to talk' and 'How to talk so children will listen' which have offered some really helpful ways to help me communicate with Bud, tool 20 - Effective Communication - has been especially useful.

I've really enjoyed the format and structure of 'Kids Don't Come With a Manual' and intend to really try to take some of the advice on board. I'll definitely be reading more over the next few weeks too.

Kids Don't Come With a Manual - Review and Giveaway

To purchase your own copy of Kids Don't Come With a Manual please visit Best of Parenting.

I have another copy of 'Kids Don't Come With a Manual' to give away to one of my readers. To enter please complete the Gleam Widget below. The blog post comment is compulsory and will unlock a range of additional entries. Please read the terms and conditions.

Kids Don't Come With a Manual

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Disclosure: I received the book for review purposes
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