How to be an Allergenius with ao and Hotpoint

Last week we headed over the Pennines to Halifax to attend an event with ao and Hotpoint. The event aimed to turn all of the attendees into 'allergeniuses'. I'm something of an allergy expert already having suffered from hay fever, and a dust and pet allergy since I was around thirteen years old but  I was really keen to learn about how Hotpoint's range of appliances can help to combat allergy suffering, especially in view of Red Rose Baby's impending arrival which means that I'm unable to take my usual remedies. I'm so relieved that, at the moment, Bud and LM seem not to have inherited my allergies but I wouldn't be surprised if they develop them in their teens as I did. We could well end up with a house full of sneezing sufferers.

How to be an Allergenius with ao and Hotpoint

Last week was 'National Allergies Week' so the event was perfectly timed. Us mums learned about the Hotpoint range of washing machines and tumble driers with anti-allergy cycles. The washing machines use more water to better dissolve washing detergents, and rinse three times to make sure all traces of allergens and detergents are washed away. These cycles can help to remove pet allergens dust mites and pollen. Much as we all love to hang washing on the line on a sunny day, did you know that clothes hung outside act as a big trap for pollen particles which, when worn, can cause skin irritations and worsen hay fever? Hotpoint tumble driers also have an anti-allergy cycle which neutralises allergens on clothes and removes detergent residues. We were also shown their innovative range of vacuum cleaners which include washable filters and the ability to use them with or without a bag.

How to be an Allergenius with ao and Hotpoint

Meanwhile the children were making paper flowers, hunting for dust mites in a mocked up lounge area, colouring in allergen 'monsters' and playing games with the fab ao and Hotpoint team. They all had a ball. It's always great when an event gets the balance between learning and entertaining the children and this one definitely did. To find out how to make the flowers check out the ao blog.

How to be an Allergenius with ao and Hotpoint Crepe Paper Flowers

After our fun morning we headed over to Eureka - The National Children's Museum. This is somewhere we've been meaning to visit for quite some time and we weren't disappointed. After a yummy picnic lunch sitting on the lawn outside in the sunshine, watching the children play in the sand pit, we headed indoors to get our hands on the interactive displays that the museum is famous for

Eureka National Children's Museum

The children loved exploring the museum and it was clear how cleverly the exhibition had been designed. Everything is child friendly, you won't find anything that says 'don't touch'. Bud's favourite areas were the those featuring the child sized shop, bank and construction site and then the upstairs gallery which allowed us all to explore how our body works.

Eureka National Children's Museum

Bud and LM were particularly interested in the Baby Clinic as they are excited about their future little brother or sister. Eureka is definitely worth a visit and I don't think it will be long before we are back, especially as you pay once then can return any time in the following year. This works out as really good value, it's certainly near enough for us to visit every few months.

We had a fantastic day in Halifax, thanks to ao, Hotpoint and Eureka!

Do you or anyone in your family suffer from allergies? How do you manage them?

Disclosure: We attended the event as the guests of ao and Hotpoint and received free admission to Eureka and a goodie bag.