Vital Touch Natalia Pregnancy Skincare

I'm something of a skincare fan and I always prefer those products which are beautifully scented with essential oils, especially during my pregnancies. I'm always on the hunt for gorgeous products to use to nourish my skin, it can be quite troublesome when I have a bump so discovering a lovely new range of products like Vital Touch Natalia has been a real treat over the past few weeks.

I was sent a very generous parcel from Vital Touch Natalia which included i-the following prenatal products:
  • Prenatal Bath Soak
  • Mum's Miracle Balm
  • Prenatal Instant Unwinder 
  • Prenatal Anti-stretch Butter
and the Labour and Birth Box which includes an organic flannel, Labour Massage Oil, Labour Bath Ease and Labour Instant Energiser. 

Vital Touch Natalia Pregnancy Skincare

Over the last couple of weeks I've been trying out all of the prenatal products and have been so pleasantly surprised by the high quality of the products. It's really important to me to use natural and organic products in pregnancy and the Natalia range has fit the bill perfectly.

The first product I used was the Prenatal Bath Soak, this contains Calendula, Aloe Vera and a blend of the essential oils Lavender, Vetiver and Ylang Ylang.. Just a few capfuls swirled under the hot tap gave a relaxing, beautifully scented bath which was a pleasure to soak in. I definitely think I'll be replacing this when it runs out.

The Prenatal Anti-Stretch Butter is a real pleasure to apply. I've been struggling to make time to connect with bump in this pregnancy. Running around after two children and busy family life has meant that I haven't been taking enough time to look after bump and think about the new little person on the way. This butter arrived at the perfect time. It's a mixture of Shea Butter, Avocado Oil and Rosehip Oil, blended with the essential oils Lavender, Mandarin, Neroli and Frankincense. I haven't really suffered from stretch marks since my first pregnancy but it's always lovely to massage your bump with a gorgeous textured and scented butter like this one. I really love using it and I can see the 60ml jar that we have received lasting some time.

Vital Touch Natalia Pregnancy Skincare

Next up was Mum's Miracle Balm and, oh my goodness, this is definitely going to become a staple for us I think. I've been using it for everything since it arrived and it's stood up well to every task thrown at it. LM and I have both had dry skin on our torsos and I've been massaging this into that, in just a few days the texture of our skin has really improved and the itchiness has gone. I've also used it on my cuticles, elbows and lips. I really love it. I can see it being a godsend when I'm breastfeeding Red Rose Baby too. The balm is a mixture of Shea Butter, Calendula, Rosehip seed and Vitamin E, with added Lavender and Rose oils. You do need to melt it between your finger tips before you apply it but a little goes a long way and it definitely lives up to it's name.

Instant Unwinder has been much needed here and I've actually taken to carrying it around in my bag. It's a super cute rollerball glass tube which you dab on to your wrist or behind your ears 'for instant stress relief'. Regular readers will know that I've really suffered with nausea during this pregnancy and one of my most immediate triggers is scents. If I don't like how something smells it makes me feel so sick. One of my best ways to combat this is by smelling something else so having this product to hand has really helped. I've found the mixture of Lavender, Vetiver and Ylang Ylang really centring and relaxing. It's actually been great for helping me to get to sleep at night too.

Vital Touch Natalia Labour and Birth Box

The Labour and Birth Box is definitely going to be stashed in my hospital bag for use during Red Rose Baby's arrival. I've not tried the products out yet as neither I or Red Rose Baby are ready for them to arrive yet! I have had a little try on my hand and smelled them too and they smell amazing. The Instant Energiser has a wonderful fragrance and I can see it being very useful for an instant wake up during those night feeds too! I'm sure I'll be writing about the products in the box when I come back to blog Red Rose Baby's birth story. I'm sure I will be using them!

I'm very pleased to have discovered Natalia  Vital Touch and I can see myself being back to order more products in future. Their 100% natural ingredients and high percentage of organic ingredients fits with the type of products I love to use on myself and my family and they've definitely made the most recent couple of weeks of my pregnancy more comfortable. I'd highly recommend them.

To check out the full range, including their new baby products visit the Vital Touch website and follow them on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date with all of their news.  

Products received for review purposes.