Red Rose Baby 31 Weeks Update

I'm now 31 weeks pregnant with Red Rose Baby and things are starting to get a little real and scary! Baby three will be arriving in around eight or nine weeks and we're actually bizarrely relaxed. We still have tonnes of organising to do and a few key purchases to make, the biggest being somewhere for our little one to sleep. Apparently I spent my first three weeks at home sleeping in a drawer on the floor but I don't really want to repeat that with our little one!

The last few weeks have been something of  a struggle. My iron levels are low and I've been battling to raise them. I'm taking supplements now and trying to eat an iron rich diet. I'll be having a blood test tomorrow when I see the midwife again so keep your fingers crossed for an improvement. I suffer from anxiety rather a lot when I'm pregnant and was hoping to escape it this time around, sadly I haven't and it kicked in with a vengeance last week. I think a large amount of it was due to me feeling really weary and I've been feeling much better this week after managing to get some rest. 

My SPD has worsened in the last few weeks and I've been really struggling with pelvic pain. I have  a group appointment booked for next week so I'm hoping that will give me some relief from the pain and stiffness. The SPD is making pram pushing almost impossible so LM and I have been using a combination of her walking, using her Trunki ToddlePak or pushing her on her trike, which is much easier than the pushchair as the position to push it is higher. Generally we're having a lot of quiet days at home though which is working out well for both of us.

We've been trying to declutter and get rid of some of our unwanted possessions in the last couple of weeks. It's felt good to give some things away to people who will use them, and to sell others to give us some extra spending money for our newborn essentials. Many of the items are quite bulky too so it's been nice to have a little more room around the place. 

We're now looking forward to the Easter break and no school run. It's Bud's fifth birthday on Easter Saturday so this Saturday, my birthday, will see us entertaining around thirty children at his party. I'm very glad to have lovely family and friends to help with this! 

Here's my latest bump shot. I've been measuring two weeks ahead over the last few weeks and I think this will probably continue until the end, I do have big babies though! I think the photo makes me look bigger than I feel. I think I was bigger with Bud, and I'm around the same as I was with LM. I think we're in line for another nine pounder... eep! All hopes for a diddy seven or eight pound baby are in vain I think.

Red Rose Baby 31 Weeks Update

Time is flying by and I'm sure that, once Easter is over the weeks will speed by even more quickly. I'm looking forward to spending time with my two before the baby's birth and finally, hopefully, deciding on a short list of names. I have one girl and one boy's name in my head but I'm sure they might change. Lots of my Blog Bump Club friends are starting to have their babies and it's exciting to see my timeline filling up with them! I'm hoping physio will help me on Monday, and I'll update on how that goes the next time I check in with Bump.