Kit for Kids By Carla Heat Regulating Mum and Baby Support Pillow

It's only when you fall pregnant that you really and truly understand the benefits of a good pillow and I've been no different this time. Weeks of pain with SPD and pregnancy insomnia kicking in has meant I've been in real need of a little extra support so I was delighted to be offered the Heat Regulating Mum and Baby Support Pillow from Kit 4 Kids.

Kit for Kids By Carla Heat Regulating Mum and Baby Support Pillow

This is a curved pillow which promises support for backs and bumps,  When it arrived I was initially confused as I didn't think it had a pillow, on closer inspection I realised that the cover is the dimpled fabric and this can be removed for washing. The pillow inside is made from wipe clean fabric and the cover can be machine washed at up to sixty degrees. It's super easy to remove and replace the cover for washing and the envelope style opening means that there aren't any buttons or zips which could make it uncomfortable.

Kit for Kids By Carla Heat Regulating Mum and Baby Support Pillow

I've found this pillow to be really supportive and comfortable. I've been using it as a back support more than anything else and it's been carried around the house with me since it arrived. It's been great to help me find a comfortable position for working in when I'm at the laptop or just watching TV and I've added it to my pillows in bed where it gives me much needed support around my upper back and neck.

Kit for Kids By Carla Heat Regulating Mum and Baby Support Pillow

The dimpled fabric on the cover offers heat regulating properties and I can honestly say that I've not found myself getting too warm when using this pillow. My hair gets really thick during pregnancy and this often leads to me feeling a bit warm in bed but I haven't found that to happen as much when using this pillow. I was quite surprised by this as I thought that the wipe clean fabric inside would make it warm.

I think that this pillow will see me well through the rest of my pregnancy and I'm looking forward to using it when baby arrives too. I think that the supportive nature of the pillow will make it fantastic for breastfeeding as I always need a good pillow when feeding at home.

Kit for Kids By Carla Heat Regulating Mum and Baby Support Pillow

Post-Baby Update

As expected I've been using this pillow on a daily basis since it arrived. I took it to hospital with me when I went in to give birth to Little E and it was a welcome, and comfortable addition to the standard issue hospital pillows.

Kit for Kids By Carla Heat Regulating Mum and Baby Support Pillow

I've been using it as a breastfeeding support every day and it's been brilliant. The shape of the pillow makes it really easy to tuck around myself and supports Little E well. The cover has been washed many times now and it dries really quickly which is great for coping with leakages or babies who spit up. A quick wash and it can be put back on as soon as it is dry. We often use it to support Little E too and it's easy to pop him down upon it (in a safe place). We also use it when Bud and LM ask for a cuddle with their little Brother as it offers lots of support for them. 

Kit for Kids By Carla Heat Regulating Mum and Baby Support Pillow

The pillow has been a big hit generally in our house and I quite often find that one of the children has swiped it to get comfy if I leave it unattended for too long.

The ByCarla Heat Regulating Mum and Baby Support Pillow is available from Amazon and a range of different retailers with an RRP of around £40, we'd really recommend it for use in pregnancy and afterwards, I think it will be used in our house for a long time to come!

Disclosure: The Pillow was supplied for review purposes.