Decorating a Big Boy's Bedroom

I've written about Bud's room before, he moved into a our spare room when LM replaced him in our smallest bedroom about two years ago. We decorated the bedroom and left one wall free for a mural that we would use to complete his decor as soon as we found one. Time passed, Bud moved into bunk beds as LM inherited the cot bed and the wall remained blank. Two years on from his first night in his bedroom it still felt unfinished and in need of work. The paint we initially used had mellowed into a shade of green none of us liked and, essentially, it already needed redoing.

When we were offered the chance to review a mural from Wallsauce it couldn't have come at a better time. Bud's bunk bed needed to be placed against a wall and he needed space to play in his room again. Paint was bought, our choice of mural arrived and Ian was all set to go ahead with the creation of the perfect almost five year old's bedroom. Here's a three year old Bud waiting for his room to be decorated last time.

Luckily the walls are all flat and filled, a legacy of two years ago. Bud has a big giraffe sticker which Ian is going to love painting around (we've tried peeling it but the paper started to come off with it) but, ultimately, Bud's  room needs a couple of coats of paint and the mural to be applied.

We were spoiled for choice when we looked at Wallsauce's huge range of children's murals. There's everything from space to underwater themes. For Bud it had to be dinosaurs and I was thrilled to see the mural we eventually chose. I knew it would be perfect. Wallsauce murals are created made to measure so you can ensure you are getting the right fit for the wall space you have available.

Check back in a couple of days to see how we got on applying the mural and creating Bud's new look room, and the big reveal to the boy himself!

Disclosure: We received the Wallsauce mural for review purposes.