Super Easy Toddler Rain Cloud Craft

With the weather being so changeable at the moment we've been looking at ways to include the weather in our crafting at toddler group. This is a great theme for Spring and Autumn, when the weather can vary so wildly and, on the day that we did it we had heavy rain so it worked out very well!

Super Easy Toddler Rain Cloud Craft

You will need:
A4 coloured card of your choice
Crepe Paper folded, various colours

Super Easy Toddler Rain Cloud Craft

Cut a cloud shape from your coloured card. You can choose any colour, but we used cream, yellow and blue and the children chose their favourite.

Decorate your cloud. We used crayons and the children drew their pictures on to the cloud shape.

Cut along the folded crepe paper horizontally. This will leave you with long streamers of crepe paper. If they are too long then cut them in half, or thirds, to make them smaller.

Stick the crepe paper streamers along the back of the rain cloud shape so they hang down from it.

You can now stick it to the wall, or use a piece of thread to hang it from the ceiling like a mobile.

Super Easy Toddler Rain Cloud Craft

Alternative ideas:

Use stickers, glitter or paint to decorate the cloud instead of crayons.

Take streamers in all of the colours of the rainbow and stick them in rainbow order from the bottom of the cloud.

Older children could cut out two cloud shapes, then cut out the middle and use coloured cellophane for a stained glass effect.

Use ribbon instead of crepe paper, a great way to use up oddments of ribbon.