Chuggington: Turbo Charged Chugger

Bud loves trains and Chuggington has long been a favourite in our house, now LM is that bit older she loves the adventures of Koko, Brewster and Wilson too. Sadly we tend to miss it on TV now as it shown at school run time so the children were very excited to receive a brand new Chuggington DVD - Turbo Charged Chugger - to watch during half term. Released today, Monday 23rd February 2015, this DVD is sure to be a real treat for all of your little Chuggers.

Chuggington: Turbo Charged Chugger

The DVD features a collection of episodes from the fourth series of the show. These are:
  • Stop Koko Stop+
  • Explorer Koko
  • Brewster Leads the Way
  • Blazin' Wilson
  • Runaway Koko
  • Team Trainee
My two have loved watching the DVD and it's been a great way to catch up on episodes missed recently. The show is bright and colourful and the strong themes of friendship and learning really resonate with both parents and their little ones. I think that we will be watching this DVD rather a lot as both Bud and LM enjoyed it very much.

As an added bonus Turbo Charged Chugger includes an additional story DVD. This features four stories and includes:

  • Wilson Smooth Moves
  • Can't Catch Koko
  • Braking Brewster
  • Clunky Wilson
This is perfect for listening on the go, especially for Bud who has recently got into listening to story CDs and is a lovely bonus to an already fun DVD.

We've now watched Chuggington:Turbo Charged Chugger and it's been a fun distraction over half term. It's now on general release from all usual stockists, you can currently find it on Amazon for the bargain price of £6.

Disclosure: We were sent the DVD for review purposes. Contains affiliate link.

We're going on an adventure