Braun ThermoScan 7 Ear Thermometer

Thermometers are one of those things that rarely find their way on to lists of new baby essentials, which is odd as, when you realise you need one, you know you need one right away! When Bud was a toddler he spiked a high fever and I sent Ian out to buy a thermometer for us so we could accurately monitor his temperature. It was a scary time and I really wished we had had the foresight to purchase a thermometer earlier, rather than just what the 24 hour supermarket sold. The one we ended up with was an in-ear thermometer but I've never really been satisfied with it's performance so the opportunity to upgrade to one of the new range of thermometers from Braun had to be grabbed with both hands!

Braun ThermoScan 7 Ear Thermometer

Braun is the number one brand of thermometers amongst doctors, for awareness, usage and recommendations. We were sent the Braun ThermoScan 7 Ear Thermometer which boasts an impressive range of features. Our old thermometer takes around 20 seconds to give an efficient reading so I was surprised straight away that the Braun ThermoScan 7 works within five seoonds to give a quick, accurate reading. The accuracy of this is enhance as this is the first Braun thermometer to have a pre-warmed tip which minimises the effect of a cool probe tip on the thermometer. This is really effective with little ones as you don't have to introduce a cold thermometer into a hot little ear and add to their discomfort!

Braun ThermoScan 7 Ear Thermometer

The definition of fever changes as your child gets older, so what is a fever in an infant is different from a toddler or older child. Braun know this and the ThermoScan 7 allows the parent to select the age of their child - 0-3 months, 3-36 months and 36 months upwards (by selecting the button with the crawling baby on it to cycle through the options). When you take the temperature the numerical value is displayed in addition to a colour - red, yellow or green - to indicate fever at just a glance.

Braun ThermoScan 7 Ear Thermometer

With LM especially, I have found it tricky to use our old thermometer as she's very wriggly and hates the feel of the thermometer in her ears. With the Braun one there is a unique positioning system which beeps to confirm that you are holding it in the correct position for accurate temperature reading. It also offers a nightlight feature and these two combine to mean that you don't even need to switch the light on to take temperature at night. I was especially pleased to be able to take LM's temperature without waking her up the other night, this was impossible with our previous thermometer but is so important with a sick child who needs their sleep. Operating the thermometer is simple, just place inside the ear, press the temperature button and wait around three seconds for a second beep which tells you that the temperature has been accurately recorded.

Braun ThermoScan 7 Ear Thermometer

The Braun ThermoScan 7 offers a memory option for up to 9 previous readings. This is great for peace of mind as you don't have to write down previous temperatures or try to remember them. You simply press the 'MEM' button to see the previous readings.

The thermometer is supplied with it's own storage case and a pack of twenty lens filters, which fit inside. You should always replace the lens filter before taking the next temperature. You can buy additional lens filters separately. It is powered by 2 AA batteries.

We've been really pleased with the Braun ThermoScan 7 thermometer. It's been super easy to use and the supplied instructions are simple to follow. I've loved the ability to select by age as, at 28 months and small for her age, it's important to secure an accurate reading for LM especially. Both of my children have always resisted having their temperatures monitored in the past but the speed and efficiency with which this one works means that it is possible to take their temperature without them even realising it! I've also been able to use it on myself easily.

The Braun ThermoScan 7 is available from all usual stockists including Amazon, priced at around £50 which I think is good value for money for a thermometer with this level of functionality and the peace of mind it affords.

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