Tips for Showering Toddlers with Cussons Mum & Me Ultra Mild Head to Toe Wash - #VoiceofMums

It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of the Cussons Mum & Me range and have been so ever since they launched during my pregnancy with LM. I found it hard to find lovely pregnancy products so when I spotted their Bump range, at a much more reasonable price than many pregnancy ranges, I snapped up a few products to pamper my bump with. I've used the Bump, Baby and New Mum ranges ever since, I'm definitely a Cussons Mum.

One of our favourite products has always been the Ultra Mild Head to Toe Wash. We only have a shower in our house so any product I use on Bud and LM has to be easy to use, gentle, cleansing and smell great. This product ticks all of those boxes. It's kind to eyes and can be used from head to toe, another plus point when dealing with slippery children in the shower!  I love the pump action dispenser which means I can use one hand to grab enough product to easily wash my child without having to grapple with wet bottles and lids. It's super easy.

Cussons Mum & Me Ultra Mild Head to Toe Wash

Cussons Mum & Me Ultra Mild Head to Toe Wash is really kind to my children's skin. Both of my two have experienced dry skin and this doesn't seem to aggravate it at all. It also contains Camomile which is said to relax, great for evening showers and baths. It smells absolutely lovely and, after a shower and getting them ready for bed, I love the scent of the wash on their hair and skin. I think it feels and smells like a much more expensive product than the around £3 it usually costs me to buy the 500ml bottle.

I thought I would share a few tips for easy showering for those who might be a bit daunted by the idea of not having a bath for little ones. When mine were tiny we used a baby bath and they still love a splash in the bath at Grandparents or when we are away but, at four and two, both of mine enjoy their showers too.
  • For babies who have outgrown their baby bath but are still needing support then the bath chairs, like this one from Safety First or bath supports, like this one from Angelcare, can be invaluable. It's really useful to know your child is supported and a free hand is always useful when trying to wash them quickly.
  • As your child gets older it can still be tricky to maintain their balance in the water. We use a Pourty Up Step Stool in our shower for LM to sit on and it's the perfect height for her to perch on while we wash her hair.
  • Two people helps! We tend to 'tag team' our two so Ian washes one of them in the shower, usually LM first, then passes her to me to dry and dress her while he washes Bud. This way neither of them are waiting to get dry and running the risk of getting cold.
  • Another thing that helps with this is having towels that they can wear. Hooded poncho style towels start to dry them as soon as they put them on and can help to keep them warm, especially useful if you're showering them on your own.
  • Try to get your children used to having water on their faces as soon as you can, it's unavoidable in a shower and it makes life much easier if they are used to it from their baby days.
  • Embrace the toys. It's water. Even if they don't have a bath to float their toys in they can still use bath toys in the shower. Games like filling and emptying can be even more fun with a stream of flowing water. Toys like the Nuby Splish Splash Stacking Cups are great fun for this.
  • Get all of your products, flannels, sponges etc ready before you start. You don't want to have to leave them for a second while they are in the shower and this will make it much easier. Pump dispensers are a must (just like on the Cussons bottle).

Cussons have teamed up with a group of mums to make a fun video which really sums up bathtime, as part of their ongoing #VoiceofMums campaign. It takes a much loved nursery rhyme and changes it to reflect the fun and games of getting your children clean, whether that's in the bath, or the shower. Have a look below, I guarantee it will make you smile.

Do you have any tips for making bath or shower time easier with little ones?

Disclosure: I received Cussons products to help with this post.