Smarter Living with Churchill

Technology is now a part of every home in the country. From popping on the kettle for your morning cup of tea to setting your alarm clock in the evening for tomorrow's wake up call it's something we take for granted and is a huge part of life.

Churchill know how important technology is to today's family and have produced a Guide to Smarter Living which aims to help you to to make the most of technology in your home, with some suggestions for great new products to help with this. Each room in the home is profiled with some amazing new gadgets which aim to save you time and make your life easier. It's not just advertising either, each product is showcased with a video review from a blogger to give you a 'real person's' opinion on it.

Smarter Living Guide with Churchill

I've been touring the site and I've added a few of the gadgets to my virtual shopping list. I've seen a few wifi kettles reviewed now and I love the idea of being able to set it off from a nice warm bed in the morning. That would definitely be an incentive to get up! Emily from A Mummy Too reviews the iKettle in the guide and I'd definitely recommend checking out her video if you're in the market for one of these devices.

I think my favourite piece of technology from the guide is the Philips Hue Lighting. Good lighting is incredibly important - the right lighting can relax, energise and generally make your home a warmer and more comfortable place to be. It would be amazing to be able to control this from my smartphone, making sure you never have to come home to a dark house again. If you teamed this with the Hive Active Heating System your house could be toasty warm too!

Churchill are launching a competition tomorrow (22nd January) to offer visitors to the Smarter Living Guide the chance to win a brand new iPhone 6. Great for running all of those apps which link up to the featured gadgets.  Simply click on the little iPhone at the top of the screen to enter.

Which gadgets make your life easier?

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