Britain's Most Mischievous Toddler

Look at this beautiful girl. Time and time again I am told that she 'looks like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth' or like a 'little angel'. She does, she absolutely does but... as we all know... appearances can be deceptive!

Mischievous LM

LM has been something of a shock to the system compared with her big brother's toddler years. He's generally quite a cautious and quiet child whereas she is completely the opposite. She's a little daredevil and climbed even before she could properly walk! You can guarantee if there's something up high and a way to reach it she will be spotted climbing to her goal very quickly! This leaves me with my heart in my mouth rushing to rescue her from whichever unlikely spot she has arrived in.

During the Summer we had a few dramas with LM. We have a front garden with a gate and she continuously worked out how to get through the gate and 'escape'. On a couple of occasions neighbours brought her back! Luckily local children play outside and returned her very quickly. We tried a bungee, cord, various other methods to keep the gate shut, until we realised she wasn't opening the gate. She was walking through the space at the side of it! I couldn't see how she managed it until I spotted her in the act one day, squeezing through the bars of the gate support! We had another gate-related drama with her when she was playing in the back garden with her brother. I popped into the kitchen and suddenly heard tears. Thinking that there had been a fight between them or similar I dashed out to see what was the matter and found LM with her head stuck between the bars of our large side gate! Panic ensued as I couldn't shift her from it and she and Bud were getting more and more upset. Thankfully I realised that I had to lift her up to where there was more give in the bars so I could pull them apart and free her. I was very pleased not to need the fire brigade! Ian has filled all of the LM height gaps in both of our gates now, to avert further drama!

LM doesn't talk much but that absolutely doesn't stop her getting things done. She has a great pointing finger which makes everyone giggle when it gets used against them. She also has a way of being told to do, or not do something, then doing exactly the opposite with a big grin! 

I think LM is very mischievous, she brings laughter and fun to our lives every day, whether emptying a bag of demerera sugar all over the kitchen floor (last week's fun) or stealing all the best bits from her brother's plate while he isn't looking, life with her is a non-stop adventure. She definitely keeps us on our toes!

Time4Sleep have launched a competition to find Britain's Most Mischievous toddler with a prize of a £200 family day out for the lucky winner. To enter head on over to the Search for Britain's Most Mischievous Toddler entry page and share your little monkey's photo. You can check out the other entries at the Time4Sleep Facebook Page.