What's Happened? What's Happening? - October Arrives

October is here. School is now the norm and half term is on it's way! I'm not entirely sure where 2014 has vanished to, the year is hurtling by at quite an alarming rate. This morning was the perfect Autumn morning, bright blue skies and sunshine with a real nip in the air meaning that our breath was a cloud all the way to school.

I'm so pleased to see that Autumn's arrival isn't stopping any of you from getting out and about. We had a really varied selection linked up last week with everything from Mike the Knight to the MAD Blog Awards featuring.

Special mentions this week for A Family Day Out and their holiday to the Haute-Loire. Christine offers a list of suggestions for family activities in the region which is a must read for any visitors to the area. I loved the idea of the VeloRail, perhaps when my children are a bit older, and I've read about Chateau de Chalencon so I'd love to visit that. It looks like a wonderful family holiday was had by all.

My lovely friends Jen (My Mummy's Pennies) and Colette (We're Going on an Adventure) linked up their accounts of their evening at the MAD Blog Awards, which is rather mean of them as they went off to London without me! Still, it looks like a fantastic night and the blogger dance that Jen and Colette participated in was absolutely brilliant. They must have worked so hard on that and it shows that bloggers really can dance!

My favourite 'What's Happening' post last week was ET Speaks From Home's account of SpudFest at the National Forest Adventure Farm. It's too late for SpudFest but check out her post to find out what the farm has planned for Halloween, it definitely sounds well worth a half-term visit.

What have you been up to? What are you planning?

I'd love you to link up your blog posts to What's Happened? - featuring events, days out, holidays, film, theatre and restaurant reviews and any other 'happeneds'. What's Happening? is the place for you to link your event previews, holiday or days out plans, ongoing events and ticket giveaways.

I read and comment on every one and share on Twitter, Facebook. Google+, Pinterest and StumbleUpon.

I've created a Pinterest board where I pin all of your posts, feel free to follow it.

As always, I would love it if you would add the linky badge to your post to direct your readers here

What's Happened? What's Happening?