What's Happened? What's Happening? - It's Nearly Half Term

Wow,this term has flown by. Bud's first half term as a 'proper' schoolboy is nearly over and, despite a few bumps in the road, it's gone well and he's settled in really nicely. We're having a weekend away at the coast with family this weekend and Bud and LM are very excited. We're also planning a few days out over half term. Bud gets two weeks this time so he should have time to rest and relax before the Christmas half term.

Last week saw two lovely holidays linked up - Hollybobbs went to Greece with Mark Warner and a big group of other bloggers. The break looked like an idyllic few days of rest and relaxation and the perfect way to spend a few days in September. Mummy Melton shared her family holiday in Ireland.It looks like they had gorgeous weather in County Wexford and the beaches look fabulous.

I think my favourite post of last week was probably the most unusual one I've had linked up. Shannonagains shared a day at a sewage pumping station! Yes, you did read that correctly. The stunning Victorian architecture combined with a Steampunk 'convivial' made for a fascinating post and one that you should definitely head over and read.

What's Happening saw a brilliant 'What to Do in October' post from A Family Day Out with events happening all over the country there are some fab ideas for planning your October outings. Its definitely worth checking out.

What have you been up to? What are you planning?

I'd love you to link up your blog posts to What's Happened? - featuring events, days out, holidays, film, theatre and restaurant reviews and any other 'happeneds'. What's Happening? is the place for you to link your event previews, holiday or days out plans, ongoing events and ticket giveaways.

I read and comment on every one and share on Twitter, Facebook. Google+, Pinterest and StumbleUpon.

I've created a Pinterest board where I pin all of your posts, feel free to follow it.

As always, I would love it if you would add the linky badge to your post to direct your readers here

What's Happened? What's Happening?