My #MorningWin with belVita Breakfast Crunchy Biscuits

Bud has now almost completed his first full half term in school, which has meant some significant changes to our morning routine. He did go to morning nursery last year but that was a much more relaxed affair and it didn't really matter if he was a bit late sometimes, having to ensure that we are ready to leave the house by 8:35 every morning, to arrive at school in time for the gate to Reception opening by 8:55 has taken rather more planning than the nursery run ever did.

My #MorningWin with belVita Breakfast Crunchy Biscuits

Most mornings Bud gets up at 7:30am to eat breakfast and get dressed. We tend to go through his 'words' in the morning too as it can be difficult for him to muster enough enthusiasm in the evenings. He's raring to go in the mornings. Into this I also have to factor LM. When we were on the nursery run she had a few nursery runs in her PJs a week - it's quite easy to bundle her up in her coat and a blanket and no-one can see what is underneath! This term I've been trying to make sure that she is dressed for the school run. We also got in to bad habits of dropping LM off at Grandma's on the way to nursery, this term, apart from on Wednesdays when LM, Grandma and I go to Toddler Group, I've been trying to ensure that she comes to school with us.

My #MorningWin this term has been that, thus far, Bud has arrived to school before the bell every single day. LM has been dressed for school on every single occasion apart from once when she was unwell, and that same morning was the only non-Wednesday morning that she was dropped off at Grandma's!


We've been sent some of the new range of belVita Breakfast Crunchy Biscuits to try out. I must admit that my morning winning doesn't always extend to getting breakfast myself until I get home from school. Breakfast biscuits are a great way for me to eat breakfast on the go though and I often find myself reaching for them with a cup of coffee in the downtime I get after getting home in the morning.

My #MorningWin with belVita Breakfast Biscuits

There are three new flavours in the crunchy range - Choc Chips, Apricot and Hazelnuts. I've enjoyed them all but my favourite is the Apricot. There are real pieces of apricot in the biscuits and they add a lovely chewy texture to them. The box contains packs of three biscuits and, for every two I ate LM managed to snaffle one! Her favourite is the Choc Chips of course.

My #MorningWin with belVita Breakfast Crunchy Biscuits

We've really enjoyed trying the new belVita Breakfast Crunchy biscuits. They do have a real crunch to them and I really like the texture. I definitely think they have a place in my morning routine..

This post is an entry for #MorningWin Linky Challenge sponsored by belVita Breakfast. Learn more at

Disclosure: We received samples of the range to help with this post.