Meet the Cussons Mum & Me Midwife

Last Friday I headed out towards Manchester Airport to the offices of PZ Cussons for a very special afternoon with the team behind the Cussons Mum & Me range. I was rather excited as I've used this range ever since I was pregnant with LM, with both children and for myself. I'm definitely a Cussons mum.

Kerry Evans Cussons Mum & Me Midwife

We were invited there to meet a very special lady. Cussons Mum & Me have teamed up with Wellbeing of Women to sponsor a midwife in her PhD studies and the first recipient of the £60000 sponsorship has been announced and was there to meet us. Kerry Evans is a midwife in Nottingham and we were able to spend some time talking to her about her career and her studies. She came to midwifery after having her own children and found that her interest grew in clinical research. Until recently it has been difficult for midwifes to choose  a clinical research route - where they can continue to practice and to study at the same time - so Kerry is something of a pioneer. Kerry plans to research the management of anxiety in pregnancy and I think it's a fabulous idea that she will be able to work with real mums as she does this. It was great to talk to her about her career and lots of birth stories were shared around the table, while we enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea.

Afternoon Tea

As already mentioned, Cussons Mum & Me products have been used regularly in our home since they launched over two years ago. There are three ranges of products under the name - Bump, Baby and New Mum and we received some lovely products from across the ranges. Many of which we use already but also some new and exciting items to try. I really love the Baby Bath to Comfort Snuffles. I used it all last winter with both of my children and found that the menthol really helped their snuffly noses. It comes highly recommended from us.

Cussons Mum & Me range

Cussons Mum & Me have  active Facebook and Twitter follow them for updates on their #VoiceofMums campaign, product news and giveaways.