Philips Hangout and My Den Competition

Den building is an evergreen activity in our house. Bud loves to enlist his Daddy's help in building a den in whichever room takes his fancy. Weekends see them off creating some rather elaborate creations to hide out in, read books and play games. Lighting is always crucial, you can't have fun in your den if it's too dark! Philips Lighting have sent us the perfect lighting solution - a SoftPal Sully from the Philips Disney Monsters Inc range.

Den Building fun

Philips have launched a competition to find the best den builders using whichever tools you have to hand - blankets, cushions, pegs, boxes etc. Video it, take a photo or even draw a den and post it via Twitter or Philips Facebook using the hashtag #MyDen to enter the competition. Read the terms and conditions here: There are lots of fantastic prizes up for grabs!

Some of our favourite den building materials include blankets, a clothes horse, Bud's bookcases and ropes (you can tell Red Rose Daddy is a Scout Leader). You can even buy den building kits though now, if you don't spend your spare time building bivouacs like Ian does! Snacks, books and favourite toys are always essential when taking up residence in your den. Sometimes even little Sisters are invited in!

Den Building fun

Bud's  SoftPal Sully new is a perfect light for in a den. He's cordless so you can remove him from his charging stand and put him in the den with you, without worrying about trailing leads. He has an LED light inside which means that he doesn't get hot and your child can simply squeeze or tilt him to turn him on and off. He would make the perfect nightlight for a little one too. If his light starts to fade simply pop Sully back on his charging station.

Philips SoftPal Sully

I think den building is a great learning activity for children, allowing them to explore cause and effect, construction on a larger scale than that afforded by the usual construction toys and creativity too. It's also lots of fun and allows children to create a space that is truly their own.

Philips  SoftPal Sully

On Tuesday 30th September at 11:00am, I will be taking part in a live Google+ Hangout discussing den building and lighting. The hangout will be led by Britmums and will feature a number of bloggers and Lighting Designer, Tim Meaker who will be sharing lots of tips and ideas for den building and creatively using lighting to make your children's bedrooms more inspiring. You can watch LIVE on the BritMums G+ page ( and message them your questions and comments.

The G+ hangout is sponsored by Philips Lighting and highlights their Philips and Disney Imaginative Lighting range, that children can use in their rooms…or dens. The Disney-themed lights were designed to inspire your little heroes’ creativity, projecting a world of light around them, lighting up their dens and play spaces.

I hope you will be able to watch the hangout!

Disclosure: We received the SoftPal Sully to help with this post