Innocent Alphabet Champions - H

If you caught yesterday's post you will know that Bud started school today. It's also the day we have been chosen to be innocent Alphabet Champions, with the letter H.

This year, innocent are running an on pack promotion so that everyone can receive their own name in magnets. This is fab as we all know that kids often don’t have enough magnets to spell their full names but now they can. All the details are on the packs, but it’s super easy. Once you’ve collected 6 (or more) barcodes you just need to send it over to the guys at innocent Towers, and they’ll send you out three names. What’s more, on the innocent website you can also take part in a really fun ‘design your own innocent alphabet’ competition. Find out more at

We set out thinking about the letter H  and tried to come up with some words to fit in with the back to school theme. There aren't any fruits beginning with 'H', that we can think of, but there are lots of H words for school.

Bud went to school Happy this morning, and was excited to get going in Reception. Although I was rather sad to leave him behind!

Innocent Alphabet Champions H

He finished school happy too, full of tales of new friends, his teacher, what he did and what he ate for his lunch. Lunch didn't stop him being the second of our letter H words - Hungry!

Innocent Alphabet Champions H

And the best time of any school day? When LM and I waited at the school gates to see Bud's smiley face again for Hometime!

Innocent Alphabet Champions H

Innocent Alphabet Champions H

Bud had a wonderful first day at school, he finished bright and happy, if a little tired and he wants to go again tomorrow, I don't think I can ask for any more than that!

Innocent sent us a lovey box of treats for taking part in this challenge, including enough vouchers to keep us in Innocent for Kids Smoothies for quite some time! They are the perfect post-school treat and I think they will be very popular with Bud in the forthcoming weeks. They also sent me my blog name in magnets, which is the coolest thing ever! 

Innocent Alphabet Champions H

Remember to check out to get your names in magnets.

Disclosure: We received a gift from Innocent for taking part in their challenge.