Easy Peasy Cheesey Waffle Pizzas - #AfterSchoolChefs

Since Bud started school nearly a month ago I've noticed a drastic difference in his appetite at home. He arrives back in the afternoon starving! And he wants food, right now! It can be hard trying to come up with inventive, healthy options for a ravenous four year old, who can also be a fussy eater, that can be cooked in the time needed to assuage his hunger but I think I may have an answer.

Bud after his first day at school

Bud is never happier than when he is helping in the kitchen. He loves assisting with food preparation and is always very proud of himself when we eat something he has had a hand in getting ready. My idea for a quick and easy after school tea lets your children help you to create it and then enjoy the fruits of their labour afterwards. A few titbits from the preparation and concentrating on preparing might help to distract from Bud's 'rumbly tumbly' too!

Easy Peasy Cheesy Waffle Pizzas

These are one of those great snacks or teas that can use up anything in the fridge. The only essentials are the waffles, and the cheese. You can tailor your Waffle Pizzas to what your children like and what needs using up.

For our Easy Peasy Cheesy Waffle Pizzas we used:
(Makes 4)

4 Bird's Eye Potato Waffles
4 slices of thin ham, shredded.
2 tbsps of Bird's Eye Frozen Sweetcorn
1/2 pepper diced
100g Grated Cheese

Easy Peasy Cheesey Waffle Pizzas - #AfterSchoolChefs


1. Cook the potato waffles according to the instructions.

2. Sprinkle your toppings on each waffle.

3. Top with grated cheese

Easy Peasy Cheesey Waffle Pizzas - #AfterSchoolChefs

4. Place under a hot grill until the cheese melts and bubbles.

Easy Peasy Cheesey Waffle Pizzas - #AfterSchoolChefs

Serve one waffle pizza as a snack or two with baked beans as a yummy tea!

This post is an entry for #Afterschoolchefs Challenge, sponsored by Birds Eye. Learn more on the Birds Eye Facebook Page http://bit.ly/afterschoolchefs

Disclosure: We received Bird's Eye vouchers to help with this post