Mooshka: Myra's Birthday Surprise App

You may remember that, back in April, we reviewed a Mooshka Doll from Zapf Creation, Ina remains one of LM's most loved toys and she was one of the first toys into the car for our recent holiday. During that review I mentioned the free interactive app that is available with Mooshka dolls, well LM and I have been taking a closer look at this.

LM has recently started to take an interest in the tablet and I've taken to sitting with her to show her an app or two every so often. She knows exactly what to do though, as this photo shows when her Daddy left the Galaxy Tab alone for a little while when she should have been in bed!

LM trying out the Samsung Galaxy Tab

Myra's Birthday Surprise is a beautifully drawn app which takes us into the world of the Mooshka dolls, and sees the dolls coming together to celebrate Myra's birthday. It's an interactive story book and allows you to have the story read to you, or for the child to read the story themselves. This would be a great support for learning to read I think. You navigate through the story using arrows to move forwards or backwards through the story.

Mooshks: Myra's Birthday Surprise App

The story is quite short but I would say a perfect length for the age of the children who Mooshka dolls are aimed at. LM loves to sit with me or her Daddy while the story is 'read' to her and she enjoys the music that plays too.

On completion of the story there is a pairs matching game. LM is too young for this at the moment but I've had a couple of goes and it's a simple game featuring all of the different Mooshka dolls and various other pictures. Bud is perfectly capable of playing and enjoying this at age four and a half, although he says it is 'for girls'. There's no way that I can find to skip straight to the matching game without reading the story, you also can't skip through the musical animation at the start of the app and I can imagine older children may get a little frustrated by that. LM doesn't mind at all though and I quite like the music!

Mooshks: Myra's Birthday Surprise App Matching Pairs

We've been trying out the Mooshks: Myra's Birthday Surprise App on an Android platform where it is available from the Google Play store and Amazon Kindle Store, my friend Eileen reviewed the app for the iTunes store and you can see how her five year old daughter enjoyed it in her review. Tami also reviewed the Android version.

I'd recommend this app for any little girls, aged from around two up to Reception or Year One. It's a lovely app for children of this age, especially if they already love the dolls and it's free!

Disclosure: We will receive a doll in exchange for this review.

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