CALAFANT Treehouse - Review and Giveaway - #AsobiAmbassador

Recently we had a lovely opportunity - to become guest Asobi Ambassadors for the month of August and promote the CALAFANT range of cardboard construction kits. CALAFANT has an extensive range of these kits aimed at a range of ages and it was a hard decision to choose which we would like. In the end, following Bud's fascination with the Eurocamp treehouses on our recent holiday, that was an obvious selection.

CALAFANT Treehouse

CALAFANT kits are designed to be built, decorated and played with. Opening the box sees a series of cut out pieces and an instruction sheet. This recommends that you allow thirty minutes for construction, I found ours took about fifteen minutes. Each piece is cut very cleanly and all tabs and slots are exactly where they should be. It was simple to build as a result and it is sturdy when completed.

CALAFANT Treehouse Pieces

There are lots of details which are pre-cut into the design, with a balcony, doors and windows and a staircase all adding to how attractive the model is. Bud  loves the cut outs in the tree canopy part of the model and we've had lots of his little figures, animals and dinosaurs visiting it through the holes. It's an impressive build and stands around 60cm high! I found it quite impressively engineered and was really pleased with it once built.

All of the pieces are white so you build a plain white model. This is then meant to be a blank canvas for your child to decorate as they wish. In theory. Bud was aghast at the idea that we would decorate the treehouse, sadly, and insisted that we kept it 'all nice and lovely'. Sigh. I'm planning to get it out when his older cousins next visit and we will see if his very artistic girl cousin can persuade him to personalise it!

CALAFANT Treehouse Built

On to play. When I was building the treehouse I was sceptical as to whether Bud would enjoy playing with it. It's important to note that, even though it is sturdy, it will come apart if your child is too rough with it and I thought my heavy handed four year old might be. However, he's quite gentle with it and has really enjoyed playing with it with his animals and little men. It's been quite sweet to watch him play imaginatively, placing toy animals in the tree top and talking about which animals live in the trees and what they eat and where they would sleep. It's been used in much the same way as his toy farm and castle and I've been surprised to see this. Even without the decorating there is enough detail to keep him interested and the treehouse has found pride of place on his bedroom shelf, next to his castle and rocket. The CALAFANT range is a mixture of toy, craft and junk modelling and I must admit I wasn't sure about it when we were chosen for the project, I've definitely been persuaded otherwise though and I'm planning to pick up a couple of the small models for Bud for Christmas. Let's see if we can persuade him to decorate those!

CALAFANT Treehouse Play

CALAFANT toys are stocked by who are offering 20% of the CALAFANT range in September. Simply use the code CALAFANT at checkout to secure your discount.

I've teamed up with Asobi to give one of my readers the chance to win their own treehouse to build, decorate and play with. To enter please complete the Gleam widget below, the blog post comment is compulsory and will unlock a range of additional entry options. Please read the terms and conditions.

Calafant Treehouse

There are nine other CALAFANT reviews and giveaways this month. Check out the following blogs for the chance to win other CALAFANT models.

Susan K Mann - Robot
A Mummy Too - Pirate Ship
Lilinha Angel's World - Pirate Ship
Dancing In My Wellies - Pirate Ship
Hello From Jo - Horse and Carriage
Blog By Baby - Robot

Asobi Ambassadors

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