5 Ways to Celebrate the Sea in Newquay

I love Newquay, it was one of our favourite holiday destinations as a family when I was small and it's somewhere I can't wait to take Bud and LM in the future.One of the things I always loved most was staying really close to the beautiful beaches and the sea, there are few places as good for a beach holiday in the UK.

One thing Newquay definitely isn't short of is places to stay with somewhere for every tastes, including a vast range of hotels (have a look at Hotel Direct for ideas). I've been mentally compiling a wish list of places we would like to stay!

My research has lead me to a huge list of events in the Newquay calendar. These take place all year round and so many of them celebrate the town's coastal position and heritage. I thought I'd share a few of my favourites with you.

1. Newquay Lifeboat Day - the RNLI are a charity that I hold close to my heart. Not for any other reason than I have complete admiration for the mainly volunteer men and women who put their own safety at risk to rescue those in trouble at sea. Whenever I pass a lifeboat station I always drop into look around and leave a few pennies as a donation. Newquay Lifeboat Day takes place on Sunday 24th August 2014 and sees the local crews and lifeguards have the opportunity to show what they can do. With a wide range of activiities taking place across Newquay's beaches there is something for everyone in the family and it's a great way to get out and support a fantastic cause.

Newquay RNLI Lifeguard

2. Night Surf at Fistral Beach - This took place back in July of this year and saw international surfers hit Fistral Beach for an awesome two day competition under floodlights in the only event of this kind in Europe! The chance to pack a blanket and some drinks and hit the beach to watch the sun go down, as well as some amazing surfing should not be missed. Definitely one to check out next year, if only for the fireworks display at the closing party.

3. Weird and Wonderful Happenings at Blue Reef Aquarium - Blue Reef Aquarium is one of Newquay's top visitor attractions and, with the school holidays in full swing, they have their own activities planned. The aquariums has decided to celebrate their 'Weird and Wonderful' inhabitants. With a Weird and Wonderful trail, rockpool experiences, special weekend events and various other activities ongoing until September 3rd your children will fascinated! (Admission charges apply).

4. Newquay's Famous Fish Festival - this one may not be for everyone but I love eating fish and Newquay has some of the best in the country. The Fish Festival takes place between the 12th and 14th September 2014 and mixes chef recipe demonstrations with fun family activities in Newquay Harbour. There is a huge range of fish available to sample, and an entertainment marquee well stocked with Atlantic Brewery ales it sounds like the perfect way to while away a weekend.

Newquay Fish Festival

5. New Year's Eve Fireworks at Newquay Harbour - Newquay is a beautiful place to visit all year round so, if sun, sea and surf isn't your cup of tea, why not consider a winter break? Imagine wrapping up warm for a bracing walk down the beach (or surf for the more hardy) and then back to your hotel or a local pub to warm up in front of a roasting fire, with a glass of mulled cider or two to keep the winter chill away. If you're planning to be in Newquay for New Year, there is no better place to celebrate midnight than down at the Harbour for their wonderful fireworks display.

Have you visited Newquay for an event? Which was your favourite?

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