The Importance of Child Eyecare - What You Need to Know

Eyecare and health is an important issue in our house. Ian is severely short sighted and useless without his glasses and I had two operations to correct a squint when I was a child. I was always the one with the eye patch on to try to help my left eye get stronger and I wear glasses too. I've arranged regular eye checks for Bud and LM since they were tiny, in an effort to identify any issues early. Thankfully we haven't had any concerns.

The Association of British Dispensing Opticians have put together the infographic below and I'm sharing it with you to reinforce the importance of keeping your children's eye regularly checked. They have put together a Children and Eyecare FAQ which should be able to answer any questions you may have about eye testing for your little ones. They have also started a Facebook page to answer questions on any aspect of eyecare, not just children's.

The Importance of Child Eyecare - What You Need to Know

Do your children wear glasses?