50 Days of Summer Picnic Fun with Roberts Bakery
Last month Bud, Little Miss and I headed off with our friends from The Brick Castle to a picnic in Delamere Forest with Roberts Bakery. We were there to find out all about Roberts Bakery's 50 Days of Summer campaign and to introduce us to some of their new products which we would use to make sandwiches!
First up was the White & Wholemeal Thick Sliced loaf and the staff from Roberts Bakery had lots of interesting facts for us in their presentation:
1. Roberts 50% White 50% Wholemeal bread contains protein, complex carbohydrates, calcium, iron and the B vitamins - thiamin, niacin and a little riboflavin.
First up was the White & Wholemeal Thick Sliced loaf and the staff from Roberts Bakery had lots of interesting facts for us in their presentation:
1. Roberts 50% White 50% Wholemeal bread contains protein, complex carbohydrates, calcium, iron and the B vitamins - thiamin, niacin and a little riboflavin.
2. Bread provides more protein, iron, B vitamins and complex carbohydrates per penny than any other food.
3. It is the major source of fibre in our diet, providing a quarter of our daily intake.
4. All white bread in the UK is fortified with calcium because of mandatory flour fortification laws.
5. It contains very little fat and virtually no sugar.
The new White and Wholemeal mix sliced loaf is designed to help parents get the benefits of wholemeal into those fussy children (I'm looking at Bud here) who 'don't like the brown bread Mummy!' We had a preview of their forthcoming muffins from the range too.
Roberts Bakery bread is bought regularly in our house as it is sold in Aldi locally so I'm sure we will be adding the White and Wholemeal to our shopping list soon.
The team from Roberts Bakery - nutritionist Catriona and demonstrators Anetter, Mags and Karol - were on hand to show us four brand new sandwiches which we made with their help ready to eat at our picnic later.
While us mums and dad donned aprons and got ready to create our picnic feast the children headed off with Ian Douglas, Storyteller who had them tramping through the forest and preparing a special surprise for us to be seen later. I was so happy with how readily Bud headed off with Ian and the other children, it made me realise how far my formerly clingy boy has come in his year of Nursery School.
Anyway, back to sandwiches. First up was The SLT. Based on the classic BLT this used the new Roberts Bakery muffins with sausages, fresh sliced tomato, lettuce and black pepper placed on the muffins which were spread with a mixture of Greek yoghurt and low-fat mayonnnaise.
Next up was the Sunshine Sandwich which aimed to get children eating a bit more fruit and veg. This used the new White and Wholemeal bread to make a traffic light sandwich. The bread was spread with low fat spread and then filled with a mixture of grated carrot, cheese, raisins and sunflower seeds. The three traffic light holes were then filled to make a solid colour 'light'.
The third sandwich was Strawberries and Cream and my favourite one to create, with heart shapes cut from sliced bread, spread with cream cheese and layered with strawberries and fresh rocket, finished with a sprinkle of black pepper. A really classic combination carried out in a fun way.
Finally we made Nutty Nana monkey shaped sandwiches. This was something of a challenge for me as it used bread spread with peanut butter (love!) then layered with sliced banana. I hate banana so touching them and making the sandwich was a personal challenge to overcome! The monkey's expression was made with drizzled honey which wasn't the most precise tool to work with!
Sandwiches made it was time to enjoy our picnic, we headed down to a covered area to hear a great story from Ian Douglas and see the show that the children had prepared. It was so lovely to see them all making the shapes to act out the story and Bud joined in with gusto. The sandwiches went down a treat and I was surprised at how many my children would try. Bud's favourite was the SLT while Little Miss enjoyed tucking into the Nutty Nana.
We had a really lovely time with Roberts Bakery and I've been using their sandwich inspiration with my children since. The cookie cutters are getting a good use and Bud, especially has been enjoying dinosaur sandwiches recently. Thanks so much to Roberts Bakery for inviting us.
Disclosure: We attended this event as the guests of Roberts Bakery