Morning Stories with BelVita

I am simply not a morning person, I'm virtually inhuman until I get my first cup of coffee and that means breakfast is often rejected as I can't face it. Obviously having small children means that 'just five minutes more' is no longer an option and I have to greet the day far more quickly than I usually do. My children are both good sleepers and I have to wake them up every morning, that hardly seems fair!

Two sleeping children - my morning view

Breakfast in our house is usually a rushed affair. On weekdays I have to get both children up, and ensure one of them is fed, washed and dressed and ready for nursery school. I have to admit that, on more occasions than I like to admit LM does the nursery run in PJs but she's in her pushchair with a blanket so no-one else sees. The boy's breakfast varies but there is always fruit in there - usually grapes and strawberries - with cereal or brioche to accompany it, and always a small glass of orange juice. Little Miss will have the same, before or after the nursery run,. Of course feeding two little one and getting out in time to walk the twenty minutes to nursery in time to deliver Bud by 8:45 means that I don't have time to eat breakfast, even if I wanted to. It's a much better use of time to get something when I get home from nursery.

I'm usually home around 9am, in time for my second cup of coffee and something to eat. Far too often I reach for toast, or even the biscuit barrel. I eat on the hoof, in between getting LM ready for the day, checking emails and planning our day. LM plays while I get on the laptop to write a blog post or attack my social media platforms, and in time I'm ready for another cup of coffee and maybe another biscuit!

BelVita Breakfast Biscuits

I was recently sent some of the BelVita breakfast biscuits range to try. We had three flavours - Milk & Cereals, Fruit & Fibre and Cocoa Biscuit Yoghurt Crunch. I was expecting the latter to be my favourite but I was pleasantly surprised by the Milk & Cereals flavour. I liked the smooth texture and taste very much. All of the BelVita range contain five wholegrains and promise to keep you going for four hours. I've actually found this to be true. On the mornings when I've grabbed a pack of the biscuits in the morning I've definitely found my 11am trips to the biscuit barrel more infrequent! I love that the biscuits arrive wrapped four together (two for the yoghurt crunch), it makes it really easy to pop one into my pocket or bag and is especially good for Wednesday mornings when I go straight from nursery to our toddler group. They are an incredibly convenient way to eat breakfast on the go.

This post is an entry for #MorningStories Linky Challenge sponsored bbelVita Breakfast. Learn more at