Mixtape Monday Returns

I loved Mixtape Monday back when Clara Unravelled used to run it and it was a great way of showing a little of myself, through music, every week. I found out, about 30 seconds ago, that Clara has revived the linky and I knew I had to join in.

I loved the different themes Clara offered when it ran before but the brief this week is that there is no theme. Someone asked me my favourite song this week and wouldn't take 'that's too hard a question' for an answer. At that moment in time, this was my favourite song so I'm linking it up this week.

It reminds me of a time in my youth, one I'm reflecting a lot on at the moment as 'my music' - Britpop - is,apparently 20 years old. I'm not sure that this one was officially Britpop but it's certainly the right age. I love it. Enjoy.

Clara Unravelled