How To Catch A Star by Oliver Jeffers Anniversary Edition - Review and Giveaway

We love to read as a family and the bedtime story is one of my favourite times of day. An author I've been recommended to share with my children many times but have never got around to is Oliver Jeffers.  This year sees the tenth anniversary of the publication of his first picture book - How to Catch a Star - and, to celebrate, HarperCollins have released a beautiful limited edition hardback version of the book.

Celebrate 10 Years of How to Catch A Star by Oliver Jeffers

We received a copy of the special anniversary title alongside a pack of fun worksheets, poster and some glow in the dark stars. The book is absolutely beautiful. We've been reading it at bedtime. It tells the tale of a little boy who loves the stars and sets about trying to catch one to keep. He tries various means and eventually succeeds, but is it actually a star from the sky?

How to Catch a Star Oliver Jeffers 10th Anniversary

The book is so beautifully illustrated, we've loved looking at the pictures together and I've found that it works well for both children. Little Miss loves to listen to the story and point to the pictures whereas Bud likes to discuss the story and decide whether it would be possible to get to a star using the techniques the little boy does, and point out interesting things to his sister.

Bud and Little Miss How to Catch a Star Oliver Jeffers 10th Anniversary

In addition to the gorgeous book, HarperCollins have produced a range of printable activity sheets which you can see, download and print over at In the Playroom.

The anniversary edition is available from Amazon with an RRP of £12:99.

I have one copy of the anniversary edition of How to Catch A Star to give away to one of my lucky readers. For the chance to win simply complete the rafflcopter widget below, the blog post comment is compulsory and will unlock a range of additional entry options.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: We received this book in exchange for an honest review

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