The Outtakes #1 - Sport Relief

I love taking photos of my two but, as they grow, it can be really tricky to get the 'right' shot. They bounce around all the time and tell you animated stories while you attempt to get the photo. Zoe over at Mama Geek has launched a new linky this week which allows us the opportunity to share those outtakes, those photos that might make you laugh but probably aren't quite what you intended!

Bud took part in 'The Big Wiggle' at nursery this morning to raise money for Sport Relief (it's not too late to sponsor us by clicking this link) this morning. He wore caterpillar colours and the children enjoyed a wiggle around the outside play area. He had a lovely time. They've been learning all about the Hungry Caterpillar this week so he was telling me the story of what the caterpillar ate each day while I attempted to grab a photo to share on Social Media. I got one I liked in the end but this is one of the particularly animated ones!

The Outtakes #1 Bud and Sport Relief

the outtakes