I Promise To, on Mother's Day - A Review

Today I have quite a different Mother's Day gift for you. The new website ipromise.to offers a unique way to give thoughts, not things for any celebration, and raise money for charity at the same time! They have teamed up with some celebrity mums for Mother's Day and, for every 'I Promise' sold £1 will go to the charity 'Kids Company' which raises money to help vulnerable children.

How it works:

I Promise offered me the opportuunity to try out the service. I chose a three card pack and worked with Bud to decide what promises he would make. One of his favourite phrases at the moment is 'I Promise' so it was quite timely. The website is super simple to use and we created our cards in just a few minutes. Bud chose the promises 'to be kind to my Sister' and 'to try hard at my writing' and I added in one from me really, 'to keep being the kind, funny and loving boy you adore.' Each card can be customised with a different icon and, if you're struggling to come up with a promise, you can also choose from a range of preset phrases, some of which have been added by celebrity mums in advance of mother's day. Gail Porter suggests 'Promise we'll laugh together every day' while Sinitta suggests 'Promise to be tidier;.  

The cards arrived really quickly in their own cardboard envelope, great if you want to send the cards direct to your recipient. We chose the red envelope which unfolds to display the four cards, one with the recipient, and giver's details and then the three promises. They are beautifully printed and presented.

I Promise cards

Cards are priced at £9:50 for three cards, you can also choose five cards for £14:50 and ten for £18:50.All prices include postage. This is more expensive than a traditional card but is a great way of getting a message across effectively, I think they would be brilliant to use if you were planning a big surprise for someone, for example 'I Promise to... take you to New York next week', it could even work for marriage proposals! The cards are really lovely and the little parcel is very high quality. As a Mum, if one of my children ever sent me something like this I would be very pleased. 

Disclosure: I received this product in exchange for an honest review