A Trip to the Isle of Naboombu or a Flight of Fancy?

The Isle of Naboombu doesn't exist. Right? Wrong! Any fan of the classic kids' film Bedknobs and Broomsticks knows that. I'm a huge fan of the film but I've never watched it with my children, so when Memory Foam Warehouse asked if we would like to be sent a copy of the film and some goodies to enter their 'The Age of Believing: Flight of Fancy competition' I quickly accepted.

Bedknobs and Broomsticks Movie Night Hamper

We received a fantastic parcel jammed with sweets, the DVD and a fantastic art box.All the trappings of a perfect movie night. This turned into a movie afternoon on a very wet day a few days ago. We got comfy and cozy on the sofa and watched the film. I'm not sure how well Bud followed the film, he did enjoy it and thought it was amazing that the bed could fly. Other favourite parts were the animated underwater sections and the final battle - substitutary locomotion! - as Bud loves knights. He thought the armour moving on it's own was wonderful.

Engrossed in Bedknobs and Broomsticks

After we had finished watching the film I asked Bud where he would go if he was lucky enough to have a flying bed. He decided he wanted to go and see dinosaurs so we got the art supplies out and he drew a fab picture. He's not quite 4 yet so it's not immediately clear but he described the dark area as the bed, the orange as 'all of the dinosaurs' and the green as 'the grass and trees'. He is getting better at drawing more recognisable things and was very enthusiastic about his drawing! He's fairly convinced that the dinosaurs he would go to visit would be talking ones, like the animals in the film.

Bud and his Bedknobs and Broomsticks drawing

He wanted 'all of us to climb on the bed and go flying through the sky, then we can sing and dance and have lots of fun with the friendly dinosaurs!'

Bud's Bedknobs and Broomsticks drawing

It's apparent that he did really pay attention to the film as, last thing at bedtime after watching he asked why his bed didn't have a bedknob!  I think it's possibly a good job it doesn't as I suspect he would be dismantling his bed by now!

Disclosure: This is our entry into the Memory Foam Warehouse 'The Age of Believing: Flight of Fancy' Competition, we were supplied with a movie night hamper to help us enter the competition.