10 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Home

10 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Home

I've been thinking a lot about getting our home into better order and Spring is the perfect time to do it, you can throw open the windows and dry washing outside again, it's the perfect chance to declutter! I decided to ask my group of closest blogging friends for their suggestions, and here's what they came up with.

1. Tami over at Mummy of Two suggests using a steam cleaner to make all of those grimy jobs a bit easier The pressurised steam will get rid of dirt and clean those grotty corners without using too many chemicals. Tami is an ambassador for Karcher and you can see her latest steam cleaner review here.

2. Anthea from Blue Bear Wood says plan the job ahead, make sure you know exactly what you are going to do and the order you will approach them in. Buy some treats, stick some loud music on and make sure you have lots of cardboard boxes to clear the clutter. Anthea has a terrific recipe for homemade Apple Cider Vinegar which can be used for cleaning windows and mirrors, amongst other things.

3. Mary from Over 40 and a Mum to One is an Oven Pride Ambassador and raves about their unique way of cleaning ovens. Anything that can clean an oven while I have a cup of coffee gets my vote and I regularly use it too. It's definitely a better alternative to using lots of elbow grease or, as one of my friends does, hiring an oven cleaner.

4. Make sure your body is healthy as well as your home! The lengthening daylight is the perfect opportunity to join a gym, get out for a jog, undertake a detox and, if you're a smoker, switch to Intellicig? That will help with the cleaning too and improve the air quality in your home. 

5. Laura at Yummy Mummy Flabby Tummy suggests avoiding spring cleaning and making sure you do the jobs at intervals throughout the year, so you aren't left with a huge undertaking in the Spring. Good advice!

6. I like Anna from In the Playroom's suggestion to hire a cleaner. If I could afford it I definitely would! Cleaning isn't a fun way to spend time, especially if it eats into family time so paying someone else to do it would leave that time clear. I think I'd find myself tidying up before she arrived though!

7. Kel from Writings, Ramblings and Reviews suggests getting the kids involved, Lots of cleaning jobs can be fun for children, get them vacuuming, dusting or out in the garden helping the tidy up there. It gets them physically active, involved in the home and means you can do the job together. Put some fun music on and get them dancing while they dust!

8. When I'm Spring Cleaning I always try to make the effort to make sure all of my windows and curtains are clean. It really brightens the home when your windows are gleaming and hung with clean drapes. It's also a good opportunity to check on all of your lightbulbs and replace any that have gone. We've recently switched some of ours to Duracel LED lightbulbs which have the benefit of reaching full brightness instantly and being energy efficient too. They also save you money, always a bonus!

9. We're definitely going to be decluttering and selling some no longer needed items on eBay or in local selling groups. Now Little Miss is 18 months old a lot of her baby things are no longer used so can be passed on. We'll give anything that doesn't sell to charity and free up some much needed space!

10. The final one was something proposed by Fiona at Mummy's Little Stars suggests getting your husband to do it! I like this idea very much! Red Rose Daddy does do a lot of the big jobs in our house already though, we definitely rely on team work in our house! 

Do you have any suggestions to make Spring Cleaning easier? What are your must use products?

Disclosure: I received a parcel of cleaning supplies, and some Duracell lightbulbs in exchange for this post.