We're Going on a Barny Bear Hunt!

It seems like forever since we have managed to get outside into the fresh air, the relentless bad weather, coughs and colds have left us in full hibernation mode. One of our favourite indoor activities is sharing books together and a current favourite is 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen. Bud has been asking to go on a bear hunt for a while so this morning, we decided to ignore the drizzle and go and see if we could find any bears in our local country park.

LM and Bud ready for a bear hunt!

We took bread for the ducks, geese and swans that we knew we would see and headed off. As you can see from the above photo, LM was very tired and she was asleep almost before we left the garden! Bud scooted and walked with us down the big hill to the Lodges. Sadly it wasn't a beautifiul day, it was grey and drizzly, but it was lovely to get outside in the fresh air and blow away some cobwebs. We very quickly met some of the obstacles we were familiar with from the book though!

Crompton Lodges Bear Hunt

We walked for a while but didn't spot any bears so we decided to go and feed the birds. The ducks, swans and geese are quite well mannered but seemed hungry so we quickly managed to get rid of the bread we had taken down with us. Bud decided to ask our feathered friends if they had seen any bears but none of them could give us any tips.

Asking the bears if they have seen any bears!

After feeding the birds we decided to head away from the water and see if we had any more success. Then, suddenly, bears everywhere! Not big, ferocious, furry bears but small, silver foil wrapped tasty treats! Barny bears.

These bears were hiding in flowers, up trees and on logs. As soon as Bud spotted the first one he found it easy to spot the others and took great delight in stashing his finds in his rucksack. He's been very interested in photography recently and decided he wanted to take his camera with us 'to photograph the bears' but instead of taking his working camera he decided to take a toy as his Kiddizoom is 'too noisy; and he needed a quiet camera to avoid frightening the bears!

Photographing the bears on our bear hunt!

All the searching we had done was hungry work and we all needed a snack. Bud was very happy to try out the Barny cake bars that we had found. We've been sent a box each of the two new flavours in the range - Strawberry and Apple, to add to milk and chocolate. The bars are in a teddy bear shape, protected in their packaging by a cardboard sleeve which makes them great for lunchboxes. They don't contain any artificial colours or preservatives so they are a sweet treat with no nasties.

Trying Yummy Barny Strawberry Cake Bars

The cakes have been a huge hit with Bud and he says the hidden centre is 'like jam' and 'very yummy.' They are definitely the sort of snack I would give to my children as a treat. We really enjoyed our 'little adventure' with Barny and I think we'll be buying them for our treat cupboard in future.

This post is an entry for BritMums ‘Winter Little Adventures Challenge’ sponsored by Barny, individually wrapped bear-shaped sponges with a hidden filling. Find out more about Barny here