Our Carcraft Lego Challenge

Earlier this month we were sent a Lego kit by Carcraft and invited to come up with a story featuring it. We received the Lego High Speed Police Chase set.

Lego High Speed Police Car Chase

As soon as Red Rose Daddy saw the challenge he identified it as one that his Explorer Scout group would be interested in taking part in so I decided that they could have the brief. These are teenagers who are aged 14-18. None of them would ordinarily play with Lego but Ian thought it would be a good task for them. I set them the challenge of making a video showing a crime story and crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.

What came back was definitely entertaining and, apparently the product of a really fun evening. Ian says he will definitely be taking Lego to their meetings again as they worked well as a team and really enjoyed themselves with their creations.

I think that the final video owes a little to Breaking Bad and a few other police dramas. Hopefully you can follow the story through all the silliness.

A few of Ian's Explorer Scouts have already started on their driving journey and are thinking about their first cars already. They could do far worse than checking out Carcraft and their huge range of used cars. I just hope they drive better than the Police car in their video!

This is our entry into the Carcraft Lego Challenge.