Project 365 2014, Days 1-4

Project 365 2014, Days 1-4

Wednesday #1 - A new year, and a brand new 365. I did complete last year's but lost my way towards the end and didn't end up posting the final week. Silly of me. I'm determined to keep at it this year and, being in line with everyone else will help that I think. The first photo of the year is my sleeping girl, tucked up at my mum's house where we were having dinner to celebrate the new year.

Thursday #2 - Our Lego journey has begun and we've got a storage box filled with some random Lego acquired from a charity shop, in addition to a couple of kits brought by Father Christmas. Bud can't quite manage to put two blocks together yet but is adept in identifying pieces and giving instructions, as well as developing a real love of the minifigures.

Friday #3 - Some days just need porridge. Today was a horrible, cold, damp day and a bowl of porridge, with a squirt of chocolate syrup added warmth to breakfast.

Saturday #4 - This is still LM's favourite place to sleep even though she doesn't fit quite as easily in the gap between my chin and lap anymore. She usually naps in her cot these days so this was an increasingly rare opportunity to snuggle my sleeping girl.

Linking up with The Boy and Me, as ever. Please click the badge to see the other posts or to link up yourself.

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