Planning Summer Holidays

Life hasn't been very kind to us on the holiday front in recent years, in fact, the longest we've managed to get away for since LM was born is two nights! We're considering our Summer plans at the moment and Ian and I both agree that we'd like to get away as a family for at least seven nights. We might even look at going abroad!

With Bud now in nursery we aren't limited to school holidays but, obviously, we'd like to get some sunshine so a holiday in June might be ideal. When I was a teenager I spent three months working in Spain. It's such a beautiful country and I'd love to take my family to see some of my old haunts. I always like to look for somewhere a little out of the ordinary when we go away and, as a family that loves camping I've been looking at mobile home campsites, like those offered by Al Fresco Holidays. We'd love somewhere by the sea, to use as a base, without being tied into hotel catering.

Sagrada Familia Barcelona from RGBStock

The Costa Brava and Costa Dorada are gorgeous areas of Spain, with so much to see and do. I know Barcelona well and I'd love to take the children to see the Nou Camp, Parc Guell and the Olympic Stadium, as well as the chance to drink Cava and eat tapas too! Ian is an adrenaline junkie and I know he would love the opportunity to visit the Port Aventura theme park, home to Shambhala, the highest roller coaster in Europe! Last time I visited the park I had no excuse to avoid the rollercoasters so visiting with Bud and LM will mean I can send Red Rose Daddy on the rides while I watch them.

Placa Real, Barcelona from RGB Stock

Bud and Little Miss have never spent much time at the beach and we really want to make sure that we do so on our next holiday so they get the full 'sand between your toes' experience. The beauty of North West Spain is that, in theory, we wouldn't need to fly and hire a car, we could drive down and break the journey up in France. A campsite would be the perfect way to save money on accommodation and really enjoy our holiday.

Where are you going on holiday this year? Would you consider mobile home accommodation?

Disclaimer:  I received a gift in exchange for this post