Ice Skating with Peppa Pig at Selfridge's Trafford Centre

Today we got up rather early to head to the Trafford Centre way before the shops opened and go ice skating at Selfridges. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect as, although I've seen all of the pop up ice rinks which seem to have proliferated in recent Christmases, I've only ever been ice skating in permanent rinks.

Selfridges Trafford Centre Ice Rink

Selfridges Ice Rink, in association with Ugg Australia, invited us to a morning skate with a special guest appearance from Peppa Pig and Father Christmas.We arrived just before ten and were amongst the first to change into our skates and get on to the ice. For small children they had a choice of skates, size nine and above could wear 'proper' single blade skates whereas size nine and under were supplied with double bladed skates which fitted over their shoes. I was very pleased to spot that there were bright orange seals which could be used by children, either for them to hold on to or to sit on and push themselves along with their feet or, as was the choice of most of the children there today, to get Mummy or Daddy to do it.

Skate Aids Skating at Selfridges Trafford Centre Ice Rink

I've skated before and am usually fairly competent but today I was like Bambi on ice. I'm not sure whether it was down to the ice being fresh and new for the day, it was like a mirror, or maybe I'm just out of practice.Either way I was  pleased to be able to push Bud on the seal as it gave me something to hold on to. I'd also forgotten just how tiring ice skating can be and, after a few rotations, I swapped with Ian so he could push Bud while I looked after Little Miss.

Just before this Peppa Pig and Father Christmas arrived to greet the children. Peppa Pig was very popular and drew a crowd straight away. I snapped Little Miss when she got her first view of the seven foot tall Peppa and her expression made me laugh, she was very shocked! After about twenty minutes of skating we were asked to return our blades so the other half of the group could get on to the ice. I was a little surprised by this as it was advertised as an hour's skating, I don't think anyone got more than twenty minutes. To be honest this didn't impact upon our enjoyment of the session as Bud had spent enough time on the ice and we were ready to meet Peppa and Father Christmas and have a look around. We also took advantage of the ice-side Krispy Kreme for yummy donuts and hot drinks too.

Fun rink-side at Selfridges Trafford Centre Ice Rink Father Christmas Santa Claus Peppa Pig Ugg Chair

We had a really fun hour at the ice rink and then took advantage of the festive Helter Skelter next door afterwards, where Bud and his Daddy had a go on the slide. It was lovely to get outdoors as a family and enjoy some festive fun.

Selfridges Trafford Centre Helter Skelter

For more information on how to book tickets please check out the Selfridges Trafford Centre Ice Rink website

Linking up with Country Kids for the first time in forever.

Disclaimer: We attended the Skate with Peppa session as the guests of Selfridges Ice Rink and were not asked to pay for our entry, skate hire and aids or refreshments. 
  Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall